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Category Archives: Radio
Automating the Expert Linear ATU tuning process
Most people will recognize CHIRP as a desktop application, which it is. However, one of the early design points for the architecture was a clear separation between the UI and the driver model. That provides a mostly clean abstraction between … Continue reading
Adding a second mic to a Kenwood TK-8180
The Kenwood TK-8180 is my go-to preferred radio for GMRS stuff. It is a rugged radio with an excellent remote-head kit, and a nice display. It’s generally pretty easy to find them in good condition on eBay, and accessories are … Continue reading
Fixing a Kenwood TM-281 serial interface
I have a Kenwood TM-281 that I got second-hand from an unknown source, and have always programmed it by hand since it’s so simple. Recent efforts in the chirp py3 branch require a lot of re-testing of radios, so I … Continue reading
Resolving an Icom IC-7000 Power Meter Problem
Recently my Icom IC-7000 died during transmit. The result was a totally-dead appearance, which I resolved as detailed in this recent post. After repairing it with new parts, the radio powers on, but all is not well. The radio now … Continue reading
Fixing a dead Icom IC-7000
I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with my Icom IC-7000. I think that it’s a fantastic radio, with a ton of stuff packed into a very small size. My radio has suffered several failures over its life and … Continue reading
Adding Bluetooth to a Kenwood TM-D700
I have a couple of older Kenwood TM-D700 radios that I use for APRS stuff. They’re solid radios, and even have some features not present in the newer siblings, like the TM-D710. But, they don’t have integrated GPS devices, they … Continue reading
Fixing bad filters in a Kenwood TK-7160H
I recently got a good deal on a condition-unknown Kenwood TK-7160H radio. This is a nice 50W VHF high-band commercial transceiver, and I figured that even if it was a little sick, it could probably be used to add support … Continue reading
A Manual Tune Button for the LDG AT-7000
The LDG AT-7000 automatic tuner is very popular among Icom HF radio owners, especially those with IC-7000 and IC-706 radios. It’s small, simple, and works really well. The problem is, it’s so simple that it has no controls of its … Continue reading
Managing ECX 2013 Logistics with Drupal
If you know me, you know that one of my favorite events each year is the Eagle Cap Extreme Sled Dog Race. No, I’m not a big fan of dogs, or sleds, but when you put the two together, you … Continue reading
9600 baud packet on a Kenwood TK-840
The Kenwood TK-840 is a nice commercial UHF radio that is starting to go for $50-$100 on eBay due to the fact that it is not narrow-band capable. It is happy in the ham bands, has a good screen, excellent … Continue reading