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Tag Archives: linux
The magical sleeping development machine
For years now, I’ve preferred to do all my development on a dedicated machine. This means my desktop (or laptop, depending) is just a glorified terminal-and-editor-running appliance. It probably comes from years of crashing boxes during kernel development, but it … Continue reading
Posted in Linux
Tagged development, etherwake, linux, nova, power-management, wol
Multi-room audio with multicast RTP
Our house has speakers in the ceiling in almost every room. This is not something I’ve had before, and was initially skeptical about usefulness and fidelity. However, I’ve actually been enjoying having the background music while working be spread further … Continue reading
Posted in Hardware
Tagged ampache, audio, audiophile, linux, mpd, music, pulseaudio
Don’t touch my Schiit!
As a work-from-home-er and a music fan, having good audio in my home office is important. Until recently, I’ve used my laptop to feed a two-channel amp and some decent speakers. A large collection of digital audio, combined with MPD … Continue reading